Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I purchase hair from?
We supply both hair extensions for braids, wig units and sew ins. BRAIDS are the only style that includes hair extensions in the price.

Does one person do my hair?
We are a team of 4, therefore you may not always be assigned to the same person. However, be rest assured that you’ll love the end result!

How long will my appointment last?
Appointments vary depending on the hairstyle. For example, a wig installation takes 30-45mins, while small knotless braids can take up to 6 - 7 hours.

What is the difference between braids and knotless braids?
‘Braids’ begin with the extension tightly gripped at the root of your scalp whereas ‘Knotless braids’ begin with your natural hair and then the extension gradually added. Braids usually use more packets, therefore making them much heavier than knotless braids.

What is the importance of choosing a Lace colour?
Lace cannot be lightened, only darkened. Therefore, if you buy a grey/dark brown lace when your skin is on the fairer end of spectrum, your lace closure/frontal would not match your skin seamlessly.

What type of wig unit is best for someone who wants low maintenance?
A Closure 4x4 or 5x5 wig are probably the best type of wigs for someone who wants low maintenance.

What is your refund policy?
We want you to be satisfied with the service you have received with us. If in there is an instance you are not satisfied with something, we are here to help. However, please note that ALL services are non – refundable.